Blog Social Media Marketing How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)
Joe Tobin
How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

how to get more views on tiktok hack

In the last couple of years, lockdown measures across the globe have found more people working from home than ever before. Consequently, there’s never been more competition for online work.

With more competition comes more users making videos, and for TikTok users, more pressure to produce high-quality content to stand out from the crowd and get more views. 

While everyone and their dog seems to be throwing out mediocre, bell-curve content, most videos are going to be lost amid the background noise. But, you can cut through the junk, increase followers, and get more views with these TikTok hacks. 

Put the work in 

This might seem like an obvious one, but if you want to increase views, you have to start working. Making TikTok videos is a fun hobby, but hobbies don’t pay the bills, and you’re looking to excel here.

There’s no substitute for hard work, and in order to get the followers you want, you’re going to have to put the hours in.

The times of working “smart, not hard” are over, and in the competitive world of social media, you’re going to need to do both.

Include other social media platforms

You’ll need to include the use of other social media platforms so that your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers can help you with your TikTok view count.

Many influencers don’t diversify their platforms enough and thus don’t reach their full audience.

Making sure to spend the time posting your video on other platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will be the key to getting your TikTok likes up and have you on your way to your first million followers.

More followers mean more views, and more views mean more followers!

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)
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Time your posts

Now you’re working hard, it’s time to focus on the smart part. Throwing out TikTok videos at random, no matter how good they are, won’t be as much use to you as using an optimized timing strategy.

A user will often lose out on more TikTok likes and followers simply due to the timing of their post.

Your video’s popularity will be determined by how accessible it is to your viewers, so you need to know your audience. Let’s say, for example, you’ve got a big following in the Philippines, but you’ve moved to New York.

You may have to post at 5 am to catch the post-work commute in Manila. You’re going to have to decide where to expand and who you want to reach. Figure out where your TikTok followers are and when to reach them.

You want to time your posts around the moments that users will be looking at their phones: early morning, before work, lunch breaks, and late evenings will get you more eyeballs.

Sunday mornings, when people don’t want to get out of bed, might be a good opportunity to push your brand.

All of these times will vary, depending on where your audience is, and you’ll have to do some trial-and-error to figure out the best times to post.

Keep tabs on your views at different times for a few weeks to get a solid handle on the optimal time a video should be posted.  

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)
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Tailor your TikTok videos

This ties into working smart. You’ve got your audience’s time zones down, but now you’ve got to figure out what they watch. The same hashtag in Portland isn’t going to cut it in London.

You’re going to be following trends – and we’ll talk about that later – so you should know what’s popular. Now it’s just a matter of customizing your content to your users from different demographics.

It’s worth noting here that TikTok is a global phenomenon, and although there is a lot of overlap in what’s trending, it will vary by region, so pay attention to these trends so that you can capitalize on them.

Create original content

This might seem like a no-brainer, but in reality, it’s a lot harder than it sounds.

While the TikTok algorithm thrives on repeating what’s trending, there’s a fine line between being topical and being generic. A great TikTok video has to be relevant yet unique.

Bringing your own creativity into something that everyone is copying will keep a trend fresh and provide a memorable spin on themes that others are mindlessly running into the ground.

TikTok is, ultimately, a creative platform, and this is where so many fall flat.

Share audiences

As part of perfecting your use of TikTok hashtags, don’t forget that they can be used for linking your account to others.

If you have friends with similar viewers, try tagging them to reach their audience and have theirs reach you. This way, you can potentially combine audiences and double your viewers.

Interact with your audience

This leads us to the next tip: talking to people. Hashtags can help with this too! Once you’ve tagged your friends and reached more people, start replying to their comments.

Don’t present a sterile, faceless façade – bring some humanity into your profile and let people know there’s a person behind the content creator.

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)

Bridging this gap will create a more loyal following and could even open you up to opportunities to make collab videos in the future, something that will draw a lot of attention.

Make sure your entire video is high quality

For a visual platform, this one is overlooked surprisingly often. The quality of your video is as important as its content, and it might be worth investing in some hardware to boost your appeal.

Good lighting is essential and a decent camera, but since most phones now come with quality camera lenses, focus primarily on giving them enough light.

Film in bright sun, or get yourself an LED ring lamp. When it comes to recording and editing, some apps are better than others, depending on your content.

For things like Stitch, TikTok’s native apps are fine, but for more flexibility on videos, you might consider using BeeCut or Zoomerang.

If you’re making product promotion videos, services such as Billo can help by providing professional, vetted content creators to market your product.

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)

Fine-tune your work

You’ve committed to the hours, and you’re working pretty smart, but there are a few little tweaks that should help you really push your content to the next level.

Make use of the TikTok Algorithm

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)
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TikTok pushes what is popular, and what is popular tends to follow a common pattern.

If you can create one video that ticks all the right boxes, you’re going to be better off than ten shots-in-the-dark, and you’ll save time to boot.

Users often don’t take the time to understand the algorithm, but it’s really quite simple. So pay attention here because once you get a feel for how TikTok works, you’ll be getting more likes instantly.

  • Make short videos

If a video isn’t watched all the way through, it’ll be bumped down the rankings in popularity by the algorithm. This means it’s in your best interests to make your videos snappy.

  • Use Hashtags to increase Tiktok views

Unless you’re a new user, you probably don’t need this explained to you. Still, hashtags have become ubiquitous social media networking gateways, and as such, using them skillfully is a great way to get a lead on the competition.

There are three main ways that hashtags can be useful:

  • Making your content searchable

Users who plaster each caption with hashtags can be labeled as hashtag stackers by the algorithm. This can dilute the impact of your videos!

Instead, focus on the hashtags that are relevant to your content. This will help your videos reach your target audience.

  • Riding the trends

Which artists or bands are currently being promoted on TikTok? There’s a Hashtag suggestion tool in TikTok that will help you find exactly which hashtags are trending, so use it wisely!

The more popular the hashtag, the more viewers the TikTok algorithm will help you reach.

Picking the right hashtags at the right time can allow you to use the momentum of current trends to have your material promoted.

Using a hashtag for the current trending song on TikTok can seriously help boost your visibility.

  • Setting TikTok trends

A unique hashtag allows you to start your own movement and could make your message stand out.

If you’re lucky and you have a fresh idea, users will make other videos that follow suit, and yours will become one of the trending hashtags of the moment.

How to Get More Views on TikTok (Hack)
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Make use of TikTok’s sounds, music, and effects.

Pay attention to TikTok’s trending sounds and songs at the time of posting.

Using trending sounds in your videos allows you to also use the corresponding hashtag, which doubles your clout on the algorithm.

TikTok often partners with artists or producers, so keep an eye on what they’re pushing and ride that wave by incorporating it into your videos. A list of trending sounds is available in your video editor under the Sounds tab.

TikTok also has a list of effects that will be trending at any given time. Videos that use these effects will be preferentially treated by the algorithm, so make use of these in your videos to maximize your impact.

Final Tips

If you follow all of this advice, you’re going to be seeing a rapid increase in your TikTok views and a huge leap in free followers.

But there are five more miscellaneous tips to throw in here at the end in case you’re still eager.

  1. In order to maximize views on TikTok, just as with any other social media platform, you need to build your followers, and people follow things they can relate to or aspire to. Therefore, it’s your job to be relatable or aspirational!

  2. People can see when someone is trying too hard, so try to have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously.

  3. Produce content often. Even if it’s just a cute video of a puppy or a sunset you’ve seen, staying active will help keep your presence up online.

  4. Keep a library of your old videos. It can happen that they will be discovered again later and start trending!

  5. Work with other creators! Link to them by tagging their TikTok username, and start collaborating. Teaming up with another TikTok user is a great way to boost your ratings and increase your TikTok profile.

In Conclusion

To maximize your views, put in the hours, work with the algorithm and focus on where and who your audience is to tailor your content.

Make sure your videos have original, crisp-looking content and bring a touch of your personality into everything you post. Good luck!

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