Blog Billo Summit The Ecommerce Email Marketing Playbook for Brands, Agencies, and Freelancers

The Ecommerce Email Marketing Playbook for Brands, Agencies, and Freelancers

The Ecommerce Email Marketing Playbook for Brands, Agencies, and Freelancers
Joe Tobin
The Ecommerce Email Marketing Playbook for Brands, Agencies, and Freelancers
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

email marketing

Chase Dimond is an email marketer, the co-founder of Boundless Labs – a top email marketing agency, and partner at Structured

During Billo Summit 2021, Chase spoke on the Email Marketing Playbook topic.

Email Types

  • Campaigns – A one-time send to a group of contacts for things like holidays or promotional events. 
  • Flows -Triggered every time a particular behavior occurs, like an abandoned shopping cart or welcome series emails. 
  • Transactional – similar to Flows, but for activities after people purchase like order confirmation emails and shipping emails. 

Email Marketing Revenue

Email marketing revenue benchmarks are:

0-10% – You are probably missing many core flows, not sending enough campaigns, and not leveraging/optimizing email pop-ups, and more.

10-20% – You are missing a few core, and advanced flows that should be sending more campaigns.  

20-30% – You are missing a couple of core flows, a couple of advanced flows.

30%+ – You are email marketing revenue is at an ideal point.


The Ecommerce Email Marketing Playbook for Brands, Agencies, and Freelancers

Going from 10-20% to 20%+ is having the core flow and advanced flows set up and optimized. It is a matter of maximizing revenue and minimizing churn on your campaigns. It also requires having a main form collect 10%+ of traffic into emails. Moving up through the benchmarks requires ensuring your deliverability is solid.  





Campaign Ideas

  • New Product Launches
  • Celebrity or Influencer Partnerships 
  • Holidays
  • Promos/Special offers
  • Educational Content/ Social Proof
  • Giveaways
  • Bundles
  • Gifting
  • Current Events

There are more ideas, but these are some ways to get started!

Diversify your Email Marketing content. Content should be fresh and engaging. Setting up a campaign calendar in product management software will make your life significantly more accessible and allow each person involved in the campaign to access their deadlines easily.

Before a product launch, send out heads-up emails to garner interest. Furthermore, you can send a hype email that directs consumers to your socials for more info before a product launch.   Send out an early access email to engage already subscribed buyers.  

Finally, send out an email campaign to everyone on your list and announce your product launch.

Three Must-Have Flows for Email Marketing

The Ecommerce Email Marketing Playbook for Brands, Agencies, and Freelancers

Welcome Series for Non-Buyers – The first few emails you send subscribers are the most important. These emails will get them accustomed to engaging with your brand and set the tone for future communication.

Abandoned Checkout Flow – There are 3 elements to the abandoned checkout flow such as Browse, Cart, and Checkout. Send the consumer the email that applies to which element they left off at. 

Post Purchase Flow – The purpose of the Post-purchase flow is to show appreciation to your customer by saying thank you. This helps strengthen your bond and reduce buyer’s remorse. Post Purchase Flow is also an opportunity to request a product review and ask the customer to join your socials/community. This is also an excellent place to provide education.

Sign Up Forms 

According to data collected, customers are likely to order in a specific time frame. Send out an incentive email in that time frame to encourage them to continue with a purchase. 

To optimize your Email Marketing, you should carefully think about its strategy, all the steps! From Email campaigns ideas to realization. Correctly chosen channels and messages can boost your numbers!

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