Blog Marketing Strategies 5 Don’ts When Moving Businesses Online: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy

5 Don’ts When Moving Businesses Online: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy

5 Don’ts When Moving Businesses Online: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy
Joe Tobin
5 Don’ts When Moving Businesses Online: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

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For starters, let’s just agree that growing an online business is not as much about dos as it is about don’ts. If you’re moving your business online quickly and under a low cost Marketing Strategy, the don’ts are more important than ever. Here are five proven insights of the don’ts for your business success.

#1 Overthinking Your Low Cost Marketing Strategy

We all want to have it all, but it comes at a price. Learning not to over complicate things will help you move promptly and effectively, keeping a low cost marketing strategy. The pace of delivery is what matters, especially now that businesses are facing the global health crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic is fast-tracking digital transformation in companies.

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Some even managed to round up funding because of this, like the restaurant-related startup, Allset, which has just announced its $8.25 million raise in Series B.

Everyone is going digital at the same time and you should move fast. Delivering at pace should not completely affect the quality of your game, but you can put your inner perfectionista aside at least for some time.

Miłosz Krasiński, CEO of Chillifruit, says:

“Digital transformation has to be well-planned to be executed in a short time that actually gives you a fighting chance in the oversaturated market.”

Take your inspiration from startups and the mindset of starting with a Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). It’s a development technique popularized by Eric Ries, which is perfectly suitable for almost any small or medium business. It is about building a basic version of a product and the idea that early adopters can test and provide feedback to improve the product further. This kind of mindset was the beginning for many aspiring startups and entrepreneurs, and the first pillar of success for many of the world’s largest Internet-based companies. Yes, Facebook is one of them.

#2 Keeping a Multi-Channel Approach

Since you are working under a low cost marketing strategy, a full agency support to cover all your digital representation needs is out of the question.

Why not focus on one digital channel of customer acquisition and keep the rest low key? Simply, put all of your efforts into one channel and maintain the rest at a digital hygiene pace.

5 Don’ts When Moving Businesses Online: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy

Since you are working under a low cost marketing strategy, a full agency support to cover all your digital representation needs is out of the question.

Why not focus on one digital channel of customer acquisition and keep the rest low key? Simply, put all of your efforts into one channel and maintain the rest at a digital hygiene pace.

To build and focus on your website is a smart investment for a medium size business. There are some great options available for a website builder. Such options will ease the pain of creating a website on your own or spending a great deal on IT. Here’s an overview for your attention – I try every website builder — so you don’t have to. As for our suggestions, we’d go with either WIX or Zyro.

Are you a small business? One perfectly running social media channel is what you are looking for.

#3 Overpaying For Content Production

Now that you have moved your business online and created a website, you still need to learn how to use social media to promote your website, build brand credibility and convert more sales. Our experience says that you’ll need a great deal of content for this! Be it ads and social media, product feedback and reviews, employee engagement, referrals, newsletters and more.

Surely, both a strong image or an interesting video will make people stop and pay attention, but we suggest focusing highly on the video content.

This video Ad was created by Ecovacs brand user and costs only $59 to produce

Video outperforms all other content types on social media. Especially, when it comes to ads’ performance (Facebook, Youtube). To reduce costs and get good quality videos for all your digital needs we suggest turning to your existing clients and consumers and simply ask them for it.

#4 Underestimating User-Generated Content

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The World is moving towards authenticity yet somehow marketers are still trying to pull it off with polished designs, images or influencer marketing.

Nielsen global trust in advertising report states the most credible form of advertising comes straight from the people we know and trust. 83% of online respondents in 60 countries say they trust the recommendations of friends and family.

Turning to your Brand Users is an established approach. Now that everyone has smartphones, everyone can produce quality content on demand. If you are a small business, perhaps a social media contest, requesting videos with your product in, will do the trick and your brand users will get involved.

But if you are looking for more consistent, systematic and yet high quality and engaging cooperation with your consumers, get video content from your Brand Users with Billo, a UGC Video Platform. Addictive task framework, easy-to-use dashboard and app interaction with brand users is what you’re looking for to keep that video content flowing for all your digital needs.

Another option would be Influitive, mostly focusing upon peer reviews and recommendations to solve problems and make purchase decisions helping customer marketing professionals address this change head on by leveraging advocates.

#5 Making It On Their Own

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Partner up for each step of the way. We mean it! Not only will it save you money, but it will also save time and help you have a quick start.

If you’re in the food-service industry, turn to your local deliveries to have your logistics covered. Such as home-delivery company WOLT or food delivery and take-outs giant Uber Eats, which by the way waived delivery fees for all orders from independently owned restaurants on the app as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and causes cities to shutter all non-essential businesses.

If you are in the consumer products’ industry, moving your products on top performance e-commerce sites, such as Ebay or Amazon, could be your first choice rather than sweating it on your own. Check out all tips and tricks on how to start an Amazon Marketplace business.

There are plenty of partnership opportunities, which are low-cost and time saving. Affiliate marketing and referral systems should make it into your business marketing plan as well. Let others spread the word about your business while you are doing what you do best – keeping your business up and running.

Delegate all the time. Be it content production from your real brand users or your digital brand representation set-up, or brand advocacy in general. Delegate as much as you can, keep the pace and drive your business to success even in the light of the current global crisis.

Moving your business online?

Sign up to Billo for free and get authentic brand community content to market, develop and grow your brand.

Update your marketing strategy with Billo's UGC and video ads

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