Blog Video Marketing Best Practices For Creating High-Converting Product Videos

Best Practices For Creating High-Converting Product Videos

Best Practices For Creating High-Converting Product Videos
Joe Tobin
Best Practices For Creating High-Converting Product Videos
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

product videos

Video marketing continues to dominate and be the best converting option for businesses of all types and sizes. Product video ads used to be out of the question for smaller companies and startups, but that is no longer the case in the age of online and social media marketing.

Non-studio-produced videos are actually preferred in many cases, so it’s an even playing field out there. If you’re just getting started with product videos or looking to improve video marketing this year, here are some best practices and examples for you to follow.

Your Product Video Isn’t All About You

You might think that the star of your product video should be the product itself; you’d be wrong. The consumer and their needs are always the center of the universe when it comes to marketing materials. While showing off your product, the context of the video needs to feature how this product will fit into the consumer’s life or what problems it can solve.

  • Highlight the lifestyle your target customer lives.
  • Show the product in use, solving a problem, or being useful.
  • Show customer testimonials, user-generated videos to tell their personal stories and experiences with your product.
This Ad was created by a Billo video creator

Plan Your Product Videos Content

There are a lot of ways to use video content in marketing. You’ll want to have an effective strategy for video marketing and a plan for each individual video. Use storyboards and scripting to help you structure each video. Wonder Unit has a free storyboarding program you can use to plan your video frame by frame.

Video ads should be short. It’s best to keep them under 60 seconds, and some ad platforms will be even shorter. For a video that short to include an important message and a call to action, you’ll have to plot it out. Vidyard has a free script timer to help give you an idea of how long your script will take to read out loud.

Make sure your video ends with a strong call to action. Consumers who enjoyed your video need to be told what to do next to buy immediately or learn more. If they need to click the video or a link, tell them directly. You can also use text to handle your call to action for you.

Connect On A Human Level With User Generated Content

Speaking of not having to have an agency-produced polished video, you should consider having user-generate content (UGC) as part of your video marketing strategy. Customer testimonials, reviews, tutorials, and unboxings have a much higher chance of being shared and “going viral.” If there isn’t a lot of great content out there already for you to cultivate, you can source authentic UGC at Billo. Content made organically by consumers is seen as more trustworthy and feels less like an advertisement.

This Ad was created by a Billo video creator

Shoot For Clarity. (Sometimes Simple Is Best.)

If you try to get too artsy with your concept, the video might come out looking cool, but if your audience can’t clearly tell what you are selling, then it’s going to be a cool-looking dud. Remember, you have a very short amount of time to capture attention, give your pitch, and include a call to action. If you’re showing off one or more products, make sure they are clearly in the shot. 

Use Humor But Avoid Scare Tactics at Product Videos

Marketing that uses scare tacks comes off looking like a scam. You don’t want to start a relationship with your audience based on fear. While you want to solve a problem, it’s better to focus on the positive results rather than the frightening problem. 

Humor is a great way to capture attention and will make your video ad more likely to be shared or watched all the way through. There are some companies doing a great job of humorous video ads. 

Dollar Shave Club’s videos have a razor-sharp wit; excuse the pun. Their humor makes the ad more entertaining and inviting to watch.

Create Custom Videos For Different Ad Platforms

You can choose to show your video ads on Google, YouTube, Amazon, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, or several other places. Unfortunately, there is no universal standard for video ratio and other attributes. You’ll have to create ads specific to the platform you’re working with. Here is a great list of video ad best practices for various social media platforms. You’ll notice differences in length, quality, and aspect ratio. For example, you’ll need a vertical video for TikTok and Instagram Stories.

Use Captioning For All Product Videos

Multiple surveys report that over 80% of people watch videos with the sound turned off using their mobile devices. Usually, because they are scrolling the internet in public or at work or school, they simply don’t want to hear video ads start auto-playing. More people will watch your entire video if you provide captions. Captions, text on the screen also make your video accessible to the hearing impaired. 

You can also provide quick details about your product in-text while a video plays. You can create your video so that speaking or text is unnecessary, which would open that space for you.

Final Thoughts On Product Ad Best Practices

To create an exciting product video, try to be creative while staying clear and true to your product. Use authentic human connection by using user-generated content. Keep your videos short and provide screen captioning when necessary. Make sure to test your video ads and keep tabs on your video analytics for the best results. 

Update your marketing strategy with Billo's UGC and video ads

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