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Instagram Guides

Instagram Guides
Joe Tobin
Instagram Guides
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

instagram guides

Have you ever wished you had a way to easily access only the information that is relevant to what you are looking for? Instagram Guides is an easy way to access a collection of all the content.

This is a great feature included for those of us who do not always have the time to search for reliable information. It will help you with a myriad of things, including automation of menial tasks such as search and discovery of what you need.

Let’s take a look at the great features that are added with the inclusion of Instagram Guides in the social media app.

What Is an Instagram Guide?

This new feature helps users of Instagram to quickly discover many tips and suggestions that can be shared easily among users.

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Very useful advice and tips from small businesses, brands, creators can be accessed via this feature for a whole new experience for all Instagram users.

It comes included with text and visuals that can be used and reposted all over the platform for great engagement effects. Instagram Guides look just like a normal list of posts in normal feeds and can be used for creating impressive content for followers.

When you use Instagram Guides in your feeds, they will appear in a separate tab, and they can easily be accessed through the Explore Page.

They can also be detected quickly in Instagram stories and direct messages, so they can be used in many different ways.

These tips and recommendations that are provided by creators and brands can be shared among users from your Instagram account. It is an excellent tool for creators and Instagram marketers for sharing relevant and to-the-point information that matters to their followers.

While these are some of the great features available across the Instagram platform, let’s look at how to use them and more.

Different Types Of Instagram Guides

types of instagram guides
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There are three different types of Instagram guides that creators and marketers can use for many various applications. These Instagram guide types can be used to promote a brand or products you want your followers to be aware of.

It can also be used if you only want to group content together under relevant groups for easy access when needed later.

For those Instagram creators who want to share a travel guide, these Instagram guides will help to make the task so much easier.

Let’s take a look at the different types of Instagram guides and what they can be used for to suit your brand.


This type of Instagram guide can be used with existing posts to create categorized content for your viewers about a particular brand or product.

Creating Instagram guides in this style will help connect different posts together for a more in-depth feed to your audience.

A good example is when you want to create a travel guide from existing posts that covers the same topic and brands. To make the Instagram guide even more interesting, you can easily add some clever titles to keep the audience captivated to the end.

It will also help add extra information about a product or brand or any other topic you want to share with your audience.


Products Instagram guides are great for creating Instagram guides to promote a specific product in your Instagram posts. It will also help smart marketers search for a small business or brand to highlight a specific product.

It also helps merge different influencer and brand content into a single Instagram guide to make Instagram marketing more manageable. Only items that are listed in the Instagram shop can be featured, so you need to set one up for yourself.

These features at your disposal will make your Instagram content much more enjoyable for the viewers to keep them hooked to the end.


The Places guide type will allow you to make use of public photos for tagged locations in your Instagram account. This is great when you want to point out popular places to eat at or to hang out when you are in the city.

Instagram creators can use this type of guide to give local businesses exposure on the platform when they are featured in the guide.

Helpful tips can be added to the guide to inform readers why you chose a specific business or brand to promote in your feed.

With this type of guide, you can easily build brand loyalty with your followers by using beautiful images in your posts.

How Do You Get Guides On the Instagram App?

To get the Instagram guides is easy and accessible to all Instagram influencers and marketers for valuable content and brand exposure. They are located on a separate tab that can be found on the user’s profile and look like a little booklet.

This booklet icon is located between the icon of the photo grid and the tagged photos icon for quick and easy access. The guides can also be found in the Explore tab for quick and easy sharing on direct messages and across stories.

If you want to view a guide on an influencer’s profile, simply select the option of the guide in the middle, and you will see them.

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  • How Do You Use Instagram Guides?

If you want more comments and shares in your content, you need to make use of these guides for more enriched content.

It is easy to use with great features added and the different types of guides we mentioned for better Instagram content.

You can make use of the features available through guides to add engaging titles and more to keep your audience captivated. You can also create different types of wellness posts to add more information and integrate other products into a guide.

Instagram made it very easy for creators and brands to promote a range of products at the same time. The easy sharing option via the paper plane icon makes sharing with viewers and other Instagram users even better.

  • Are Instagram Guides Still Available?

Instagram guides are now even more available than ever before when they became available for all users by the end of 2021.

This is good news for all Instagram content creators and marketers to expose brands in even more exciting ways.

All Pro Instagram accounts can use these guides to share their post and feeds with other Instagram accounts for brand better exposure and more followers.

How To Create an Instagram Guide

how to create an instagram guide
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Creating an Instagram guide is very easy. Follow the steps below to quickly and easily get your guides ready to share.

  • Login to your profile on the Instagram app
  • Choose the plus icon in the upper right corner
  • Select the Guide option from the menu
  • Pick one of the guide types you want to use
  • Select all the products, locations, and posts you want to add to your guide and choose next
  • Give your guide a title and description
  • In the poster option, give a short reason why you chose these specific items and click next
  • Preview the guide to make sure you are satisfied with it
  • Share it on your profile so it can be saved and seen by your audience

You can see how easy it is to get your guides created and ready for sharing with all your followers in your posts on Instagram.

What Can Instagram Guides Be Used For?

As mentioned earlier, the guides can be used for many different marketing applications, depending on the guide type you choose.

You must make sure the type you choose will be good for your brand or business and improve your social media exposure.

They can be used for wellness posts or by businesses to market their brands to potential buyers all over the platform.

These guides from Instagram can be used for content marketing by Instagram users and creators of brand promotions on social media.

Instagram Shop

Your brand should be listed on the Instagram Shop if you want other creators and users to use your content in their feeds.

This will add more benefits for your business or brand when other creators use it in the form of better exposure.

It may also boost overall brand loyalty and increase the chances of getting your brand or product discovered when listed in the Instagram Shop.

Guides In Instagram Posts

By using guides in your posts, you will have an added opportunity to keep your viewers engaged all the time. With the recent update of the Instagram search function, users can use broad keywords to find content, which will benefit guide users.

With the guides you add to your feeds, you can collaborate with more than just one influencer to expose your brand or business.

instagram guide post
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Guides In Instagram Stories

With this great feature added to their app, you have many more options available to keep the audience captivated by your posts.

The video content and slide show format allow you to easily add guides to add more content and exciting titles to your feed.

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You should be convinced by now that guides on the Instagram app will help improve brand loyalty and exposure in an exciting way.

Creators and marketers will benefit significantly from all the brands and businesses they intend to promote in their posts on this social media platform.

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