Blog eCommerce Marketing Unlock the Power of Persuasion: Master the TOP3 Ad Script Writing Formulas (With Examples!)

Unlock the Power of Persuasion: Master the TOP3 Ad Script Writing Formulas (With Examples!)

Unlock the Power of Persuasion: Master the TOP3 Ad Script Writing Formulas (With Examples!)
Joe Tobin
Unlock the Power of Persuasion: Master the TOP3 Ad Script Writing Formulas (With Examples!)
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.


Are you struggling to craft ad messages that truly resonate with your audience? Are you missing the “scaling” party everyone’s been raving about for the last two years? Worry no more – Billo is coming to the rescue!

Since we’ve just launched our Spring Wipe-Out deal (make sure to check it out while it’s still live! 😱) focused on helping you clear out your product stock, we thought it’s the perfect opportunity to talk about script writing, and how it can turn from being your arch nemesis to your trusted comrade.

But let’s start from the beginning.

You see, the thing with writing ad scripts that people often forget is you have to know which part of your marketing funnel the ad is addressing. 

Umm, what’s a marketing funnel? 😶

In simple words, it’s a way for businesses to understand how customers interact with their products or services. You can think of it like a pipeline where you’re trying to lead people from the top (awareness) to the middle (consideration) to the bottom (conversion). 

At the top of the funnel, you’re trying to get more people to be aware that your product exists in the first place. As people move down the funnel, they become more interested and might do some additional research, compare prices, read reviews, etc. At the bottom, a smaller number of people will decide to buy the product.

So, for example, if you’re at the top of your funnel, you might run ads that are more educational and do not push people to buy right away. You’re building awareness. Contrary, if you’re running ads for your bottom-of-the-funnel audience, you want to be more convincing and give them all the reasons they absolutely have to buy your product or service.

This is the part where copy/script writing formulas make a glorious entrance. 💃

Formulas can be the secret weapon you need to take your ads to the next level. A quick Google search will show you that there are more than 20 such formulas, but today we’ll dive deeper into the 3 most commonly used ones: AIDA, PAS, and PPPP.

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The AIDA formula is probably the #1 formula that marketers use. It’s effective because it follows a logical progression that takes the customer from initial attention to taking action.

AIDA works by first getting people’s attention with something attention-grabbing, like a question or a bold statement. Then it gives more info about your product or service, highlighting what makes it special and how it can help them. After that, it makes people want it by emphasizing the benefits and good outcomes they can expect. Finally, it encourages people to take action like buying it or signing up.

So let’s say we’re selling a new teeth whitening kit. An ad script written using AIDA could look like this:

  • Attention: “Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your smile?”
  • Interest: “Introducing the revolutionary teeth whitening kit that uses advanced LED technology!”
  • Desire: “Imagine feeling absolutely confident and proud to show off your pearly whites!”
  • Action: “Order now and get 50% off your first kit!”

PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution)

The formula works by first identifying a problem that the customer might be facing. This is usually done by asking a question or making a statement that relates to the customer’s pain point. It then agitates the problem by highlighting the negative consequences of the problem, making the customer feel the urgency of finding a solution. Lastly, it presents your product or service as the solution to the problem.

Here’s what an ad for a smart alarm clock could look like if we used PAS:

  • Problem: “Do you ever hit snooze one too many times and end up running late for work?”
  • Agitate: “It’s frustrating and stressful to start your day off on the wrong foot, isn’t it?”
  • Solution: “Introducing our new smart alarm clock, with features like customized wake-up sounds, a snooze limit, and even a sleep tracker, our smart alarm clock is designed to help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day!”

PPPP (Promise, Picture, Proof, and Push)

This formula works by first making a promise of what the product or service can do for the customer. It then creates a vivid mental image of what it would be like to experience the benefits (use descriptive language and storytelling to paint a picture in the customer’s mind!). After that, it provides evidence, such as customer testimonials, statistics, or data that back up the claims that’ve been made. Finally, it includes a call-to-action to encourage the customer to take action, such as buying the product or service.

Let’s say you’re selling courses that help people transfer from their 9 to 5 jobs to fulfilling freelance careers. A PPPP ad might look like this:

  • Promise: “Imagine having the freedom to work on your own terms, set your own schedule and be your own boss?”
  • Picture: “Picture yourself working from a coffee shop, on a beach, or from your couch, while making more money than you ever did at your 9 to 5…”
  • Proof: “Our coaching program has helped thousands of people just like you to make a smooth transition leaving their 9 to 5 jobs and starting successful freelance careers!”
  • Push: “Don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards your dream career, sign up now and get a special discount”

NOTE: make promises you can back up with actual proof! Overpromising and underdelivering is never a good look…

Well, here you have it! The TOP 3 ad script writing formulas that even the biggest brands and agencies use. So why can’t you? Give it a go and let us know how it went!

PS, make sure to use the Spring Wipe-Out offer while it’s still live HERE. 👈

Update your marketing strategy with Billo's UGC and video ads

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