Blog Video Marketing Top 5 Facebook Video Ad Examples

Top 5 Facebook Video Ad Examples

Top 5 Facebook Video Ad Examples
Joe Tobin
Top 5 Facebook Video Ad Examples
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

facebook video ad examples

Facebook is one of the widest used social media platforms on the entire internet. It’s an amazing place to find friends, connect with family, and build your business.

More and more companies are turning to social media to reach a broader audience.

Utilizing Facebook as an ad tool is something that businesses have been doing more and more. Specifically, video ads.

Let’s dive into the world of Facebook video ads and go over a few Facebook video ads examples and why they work.

Why Do Facebook Ads Work?

You may be wondering: what can someone get out of using a Facebook ad that they can’t get out of using something like YouTube, or Twitter, or Instagram?

Well, first of all, Facebook is the biggest social media platform worldwide and the perfect place to reach your target audience.

The site boasts a 2.89 billion active user base each month. That’s almost 2 billion more active users than Instagram.

That’s a lot of people who log on every single month, and even if only a fraction of those users see your ad, you could potentially be reaching millions of customers and clients.

Video Marketing

Video advertising is a worldwide phenomenon. According to statistics, your average viewer watches around 16 hours of video online per week. Social media videos generate a 1200% increase in shares compared to static image ads and text posts alone.

Notably, 94% of users have watched a video to learn more about a service or product, and 64% of users have admitted to purchasing a product after viewing a video on social media. The numbers show that video ads work.

Video marketing is a relatively new phenomenon that came with the rise of social media. But as of now, all the research points to social media being a driving factor in the connection between brand and target audience.

How Do You Make a Good Facebook Video Ad?

Making a video ad that will do well on social media isn’t the same as your average everyday commercial that you see online.

This is an entirely different media, and internet users aren’t sitting around waiting for their show to come back on! Making a good Facebook ad should ensure that the user doesn’t want to scroll away.

Remember, they have the entire internet at their fingertips!

Advertisement on the internet has changed in recent years as companies realize they have to vie for audience attention. Please give them a reason to engage with your ad.

  • The Unspoken Rules of Facebook Video Ads

Most people only take about three seconds to decide whether or not they’re going to engage with the content on their screen.

That means your video ad needs to entice your potential viewers right off the bat. Here are some of the unspoken rules for Facebook ads that most companies don’t know.

  • Sound-off Viewing

When a user is scrolling through Facebook, either on their mobile device or laptops, Facebook videos automatically play as they’re moving down their feed.

However, the sound doesn’t play until the user turns the sound on manually on the video. This means your video ad needs to be optimized to catch the viewer’s attention, even with the sound off.

  • Text or Subtitles

This goes hand in hand with making sure your Facebook video ad is optimized for sound-off viewing.

If the user is scrolling through their Facebook feed and they come across your ad, you want to make sure they’re still getting the full experience, even with the sound off.

Make sure to add text or captions to all of your video ads.

  • Brand Early

The reality of using social media to advertise means that some number of users will inevitably scroll away before they’ve finished watching the entire video.

This is why it’s important to include your branding as early as possible. Sometimes, seeing the branding will entice the user to stay or will put your brand to the forefront of their mind while scrolling.

  • Keep it Short

As earlier stated, Facebook video ads are different from commercials or unskippable ads on YouTube videos. The user can scroll away at any moment.

Respect your potential client’s time, and try to keep your clips no longer than 15 seconds.

This will increase the odds of your audience finishing the entire video ad and give them a positive feeling towards your brand.

  • Call to Action

In your description, you’re going to want to stick your call to action. Keep it short and sweet. The average user will not take the time to read a wall of text in your video description!

  • Use a Good Ad Creation Tool

Not all Facebook video ads are created equal. That is to say, when you’re building your video ad, you’re going to want to make sure that you have the best ad creation tool at your disposal.

Many video ad creation companies are out there waiting to help you make an ad that is sure to draw in an audience and create ad recall.

For example, Billo is a video ad creation tool that’s both affordable and filled with talented video creators.

The creators can apply for your ad, and you get to choose the one whose work you think will work best with your product or service.

All you have to do is ship them the products and let them work their magic. These are all custom-made advertisements that are unique to your brand. You can start off at just $59 per video without breaking the bank.

  • Balance Between Branding and Relatability

Internet users are fickle. They don’t like to be tricked, and they don’t like to feel as if a brand is looking down on them.

This is why it’s important to find a balance in your video ad between both being relatable to your audience and keeping the purpose of your ad.

Ads that do well are often relatable without sacrificing branding. Ads that don’t work usually focus too hard on branding without making the video something that users are going to want to watch. Using creativity and storytelling will ensure that your ad reaches a wider audience.

Best Facebook Video Ad Examples

There are plenty of companies that get it right regarding Facebook video ads. We’ve gathered together the best Facebook ad examples to show you how these companies got it right.

Hunt a Killer

Hunt, a Killer, is a subscription-based game that mails a horror story-style murder mystery game right to your house.

It’s rocketed in popularity, partly due to the successful video ad campaigns that the company runs on social media.

  • How they got it right:

Hunt, a Killer, utilizes storytelling in its marketing. This isn’t a company that is looking to reach the widest audience possible.

This is a very niche brand that wants to reach people who are interested in horror, murder mysteries, and games.

So, they utilize the storytelling element, making it seem like you’re about to watch a trailer for a real movie or true-crime documentary.

It’s attention-grabbing, especially for those who are interested in this type of media. Then, they make the big reveal: it’s an interactive mystery game.

In the end, they leave a call to action with their branding name and their website for interested viewers to find out more information.

Calm App

Calm is an app that is made to help people relax. It helps you take a break out of your day or helps those who suffer from anxiety.

You’ve probably seen their ads scrolling through Facebook on your phone. This is a great example of a longer ad that’s incredibly effective.

  • How they got it right:

Usually, the golden rule is no longer than 15 seconds for a Facebook video ad. But, Calm is taking advantage of the loopholes of video advertising.

The ad that plays has a countdown timer, some calming music, and a relaxing visual in the background. The timer counts down from 30 seconds.

As the viewer watches the ad, they’re invited to take a moment to rest in between videos. Do nothing for 30 seconds, the ad invites.

In such a fast-paced world, most people really enjoy being able to just sit and do nothing, even if it’s only for half a minute.


LastPass is an excellent way to show that less is sometimes more. LastPass is a password manager who helps you remember your usernames and passwords across various websites and programs. They’ve got a clever and creative ad formula down.

  • How they got it right:

These ads are only six seconds long, which may seem counterintuitive as a form of advertising, but they work very well!

As we know, users decide whether or not they’re going to watch something in the first three seconds. LastPass got an advertising formula down in as little time as possible.

They also use reliability in order to connect with their audience. Everyone has lost their keys or their wallet at one point or another.

It’s easy to forget things, and LastPass shows how they can help by ensuring you don’t forget your passwords.


Lyft is a ride-sharing app that’s gained popularity in the past few years, rivaling cab companies and even other ride-sharing apps like Uber.

With this particular Facebook ad, Lyft shows the importance of connecting with your audience and creating that relatability between user and brand.

  • How they got it right:

This ad is a slice of life advertisement. It follows multiple “storylines”, all of their clips only a few seconds long so that the viewer gets a wide range of snippets in the short, fifteen-second ad.

They use everyday-looking people in their ad, which will help the audience connect with the brand.

Lyft also takes the opportunity here to show how their service and be used by all different kinds of people.

This ad reaches a broad audience. The video ad works with the sound off and the sound on, which means a user scrolling their feed on mute will get the exact same experience.


Samsung is one of the leading manufacturers of different technology, most notably sell phones.

There’s always been a playful rivalry between Apple and Samsung, and this particular Facebook video ad is a great way to make a play on that.

  • How they got it right:

The goal of your video ad is to make sure that your audience doesn’t click away. Samsung did a great job with this particular video ad, especially since they made it a minute long.

They use a bit of creative storytelling and humor, along with poking fun at Apple’s following, to make sure their ad goes viral.

Getting people to want to watch your ad is always the goal. Samsung hits the nail on the head, balancing between comedy, storytelling, and branding.

They make sure not to just bash Apple but to point out the differences between them and try to assert why their brand is superior.


Facebook is a brand’s best tool when it comes to viral video marketing. With all of the monthly users that log onto Facebook, a video ad is bound to be seen potentially millions of times. But it’s important to know exactly what makes a video ad work on Facebook.

Internet users are in the driver’s seat when it comes to advertising. In order for your video ad to do well, keep it short, keep it interesting, and make sure that users on multiple platforms are able to engage with the content.

These are some of the best examples of Facebook video ads on the platform. They show adherence to the technical side of good video ads and explore the kind of content that keeps viewers engaged and wanting to come back to the brand after the video has ended.

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