Blog Billo Summit How to Cultivate a Strong Brand Voice to Rise Above the Noise

How to Cultivate a Strong Brand Voice to Rise Above the Noise

How to Cultivate a Strong Brand Voice to Rise Above the Noise
Joe Tobin
How to Cultivate a Strong Brand Voice to Rise Above the Noise
Joe Tobin

After bouncing around tech start-ups and university literature programs, Joe has finally settled down as Billo’s Head of Content. Joe now spends his days writing ads about ads, teaching clients how to craft killer content, and combing through our web copy with a bold red Sharpie.

brand voice

Alexa Carlin is the founder & CEO of the Women Empower X and a nationally renowned professional speaker.

Personal Voice – Your Brand Voice

How you show up in the world every day affects your brand. Whether it is the language of fear, doubt, anger, or confidence, it will spill over into what you are trying to accomplish in your brand. The language you speak ultimately defines how successful and fulfilled we feel. If you show up with a positive and confident attitude every day, it will help you cultivate a strong brand voice that rises above the noise. 

The actions you take depend on your mindset. When you are more confident, you will take more risks in your business than if you would be fearful and doubtful, just like in your everyday life. Your brand voice is directly linked to your personal voice. It’s very noisy online, and the point of differentiation is not your brand but you and your voice.

While strategy and planning are essential, it’s not the strategy or plan that will lead you to success. It’s the person executing that plan that will lead you to success. This works whether you are business to business or business to consumer. People follow people, not logos. They want that personal, strong connection.

Brand Voice Examples We All Have in Mind

Examples of personal brands that large companies have created include Flo from Progressive, Kevin from State Farm, and gecko from Geico. This type of personal brand connection stays in people’s minds. When we think of insurance, we think of one of these three examples instead of other brands because we would rather follow Flo, Kevin or gecko, than a logo. This applies to your brand as well. It is vital to make that personal brand connection. 

Three Essentials for Building Connection

The 3 key points for a personal brand are: know, like, and trust. The challenge is to get strangers to know, like, and trust you. The first step to do this is to share your personal story. Next, focus on the things that you have control over. One thing to remember is that you must not wait to change your life but change your own life. You have to take action. You must create your own opportunities. When you can focus on one customer instead of thousands, you will reach millions. 

Key Takeaway

To create your brand voice, connect your personal story to your brand, commit to your purpose, create content and impact and cultivate your community. To connect – you must share with vulnerability. This will help you cultivate a strong feeling of community. Always remember that people follow people.

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